St. John's Lynchburg

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Psalms Bible Study 2024

Join us for our Bible Study on the Psalms!

Our class on the Psalms (also called the Psalter) will run from September 11 through November 20th at 11:00a on Wednesdays in Magill Hall and via Zoom. Our class will explore what a Psalm is, how we pray them, and how the Book of Psalms is arranged to share a theological message of hope. You may choose to read all the Psalms with one of our reading plans below, but it is not required to participate in the class. Each week, we will focus on a particular Psalm for the first part of class, and a section of the Psalter or topic for the 2nd part of class.

Our Zoom link and Schedule will be published this week (9/1-9/7). Please see the detailed class schedule and readings below. Please also click the image below to download the reading guide. You are welcome to participate whether you are new to Bible studies or returning for more!

If you’d like to receive weekly e-mail updates, contact Fr. Ben to be added to the Bible Study email group in Realm.


Date Topic Reading (Coming soon!)
11-Sep--------- Introduction to the Psalms Psalms 1 & 2
18-Sept What is a Psalm? 8 & 23
25-Sept Book 1 + Psalms of David 3 & 19
2-Oct Types of the Psalms
9-Oct Book 2
16-Oct Book 3
23-Oct Book 4
30-Oct Book 5
6-Nov Psalm 119
13-Nov Praying the Psalms today
20-Nov Conclusion - Favorite Psalms?

Optional Reading Plan

Click the image above to download the PDF version!