St. John's Lynchburg

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Vestry Nominations


Vestry service is a sacred ministry of leadership

Do you feel called to Vestry service?

Is there someone you’d like to nominate?

It is time once again to submit nominations to serve a three-year term on the parish’s governing body, the Vestry.

Our Annual Meeting will take place Sunday, December 8 to elect the incoming Vestry class to serve a three-year term beginning in January, 2025.

To best reflect our parish membership and the range of God-given talents to guide our future life together in Christ, please consider who may be called to serve, including yourself.

To serve on Vestry a person must:

Be an adult, confirmed communicant of the parish in good standing;

Be regular in worship/parish formation/education;

Be a pledging member of record.

Nominations will be accepted through October 11. Please submit your nominations (including self-nominations) to: Chris Roussell, or you may call him at 434-528-1138.