St. John’s Music Program
St. John's music program is an important and exciting part of our common life and a vibrant witness to the community at large. Our choirs for adults, youth, and children lead our Sunday worship at 10:30 and we frequently have guest instrumentalists. We regularly present concerts or other special music to the community. Check our upcoming concerts and music events below.
To enroll your child in St. John's choirs for children or youth, or for further information, call Peggy Howell at 434-528-1138 or 434-473-7526. You can also reach her through email peggy@stjohnslynchburg.org
Advent and Lenten Choirs for Children
Two short-term singing opportunities are available for children who are in second grade or older. An Advent Choir will rehearse on Wednesday afternoons and will sing in church during Advent as well as at St John’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve. A Lenten Choir will rehearse on Wednesday afternoons and will sing in church during Lent as well as on Palm Sunday.
St. John's Parish Choir, led by Peggy Haas Howell and composed of men and women, rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00p, as well as on Sunday mornings at 9:30a. The choir sings a wide variety of interesting and challenging music, from Medieval chant to Renaissance polyphony to Shaker pieces to African-American Spirituals to music by many contemporary composers. We also sing for special events.
The choir usually sings several concerts, evensongs, or other special musical events during the year. If you are interested in singing in the Parish choir, please call Peggy Howell at 434-528-1138 or 434-473-7526. You can also contact her through email peggy@stjohnslynchburg.org.
“Being in the choir helps to create a spiritual atmosphere to assist with leadership in prayer, contemplation and joy. There is also a camaraderie among choir members through weekly rehearsals and special performances which continually challenge our musicality by learning a variety of interesting music. It’s an additional ‘family’ that shares and cares for each other’s well-being.”
“Singing in the choir is my most anticipated and fulfilling activity. I am fulfilled and inspired by the music, and always challenged to improve. If I am tired, discouraged or sad when I enter the rehearsal room, I leave in a totally different frame of mind: stimulated, optimistic, happy. This group of people is interesting, fun-loving and kind. We welcome others to join us and share this wonderful music and fellowship.” ”