Parish Life includes all of the activities that contribute to strengthening fellowship within the St. John's Community.
Sunday Breakfasts
Sunday's during The Church School Year
9:00a, Magill Hall
Join your parish family for the best breakfast in town. Teams of the Men of St. John’s cook a homemade breakfast each Sunday morning - always special and always delicious! $5 each ($12 cap for families). Local College students eat free— just show your campus ID!
Annual Parish Picnic
Each September, the parish family enjoys a Sunday afternoon picnic at the home of one of our members. There are activities for children, fun, fellowship and great food for all.
Westminster Canterbury Luncheons
First Thursday each month
11:45 AM, Fauber Dining Room
Residents of Westminster Canterbury join our Clergy for a monthly luncheon for the first Thursday of each month. Visitors are always welcome.
"DINE with NINE" Supper Groups
Whether you are brand new to St. John’s or have been here for many years you are invited to join a fall “Dine with Nine” group. “Dine with Nine” is a group of 8-10 adults that meet once a month to share a simple potluck supper. Participants take turns hosting, with the host providing the main dish, and the others bringing an appetizer, salad, rolls and desert. You may choose between an adults-only group or a kids-included group. Sign up in September using the forms available in the Commons or contact the leader of the group. You will be assigned to a Dine with Nine group and will receive follow up information on who your group members are.
Fauber Gallery
The Fauber Gallery is a magnificent space, adjacent to The Commons, for local and regional art exhibits. Artists exhibit in the Gallery, selling their work directly to interested individuals. The artists then contribute a portion of the proceeds to the Church to maintain the Gallery; additional income supports our mission in the community. For information contact Ted Batt, tbatt@academycenter.org, our curator.