Adult Formation Fall 2024

A Study on Prayer

Our Adult Formation this fall will be on Prayer! Each Sunday will include an experiential portion, where you try out a new (or familiar) prayer practice. We will learn the patterns and practices of prayer in the Anglican tradition that shaped our ancestors. We will have a special presentation on October 6th from Mtr. Allison Caudill (Fr. Ben’s spouse) on pilgrimage as prayer! As we draw closer to our parish retreat and quiet days we will learn how to make our own retreats and pilgrimages, followed with a series discussing the challenges of prayer—how to pray when it gets difficult. In Advent, we will explore our creative sides with two weeks on writing our own prayers. Adult Formation begins September 15 at 9:30a on Sundays; please note we have an important parish gathering at Adult Forum on September 8th, the kickoff of our program year

Date -------- Topic
15-Sep What is Prayer? Getting Started
22-Sep Prayer in the Anglican Tradition
29-Sep Combined Service, No Class
6-Oct Pilgrimage 1 – Guest Speaker Mtr. Allison
13-Oct Pilgrimage2: Making a Pilgrimage where you are
20-Oct Pilgrimage: Making a pilgrimage to church
27-Oct Making a Retreat/Quiet Day
3-Nov Praying with the Saints
10-Nov Praying with the Scriptures
17-Nov Praying with Silence
24-Nov Praying with the Savior (Lord's Prayer)
1-Dec Open Forum
8-Dec Annual meeting, No Class
15-Dec Writing our Prayers: Journaling
22-Dec Writing our Prayers: How to Write a Collect

Vestry Nominations