Fall Prayer Challenge

This fall we are challenging you to join us in prayer!

From September 15 through October 13, we will post a daily devotional led by parishioners and clergy that we invite all members of the church to pray. You can watch it, listen to it, get it in your inbox, or read it, first thing in the morning, at lunch, or at night—whenever it suits you. The prayers we use are rooted in our Book of Common Prayer and align with the pattern of reading scripture shared by the Episcopal Church. This makes our prayer common – accessible and shared across the days and across our Lynchburg community and beyond. It gives us a chance to start prayer anew, connecting with God and each other throughout the 28 days of this challenge. It empowers us to learn to use our prayer books at home, for our personal devotions or with our households. It connects us to one another and to the broader church when we pray together. Most importantly, it trains us to create the space to spend time with God, and to feed the most important relationship in our lives daily; something that is a struggle for all of us from time to time.

We hope this challenge will expand how you pray. Prayer changes us, and we are inviting you to pray. Will you join the challenge and be open to change? Sign up below to receive the daily email update.


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