Seasons of the Spirit: Nurturing Faith at Every Age


Join us for our Lenten program this year, Seasons of the Spirit: Nurturing Faith at Every Age! Each Wednesday evening, we'll share a meal and fellowship, and discuss different aspects of our Spiritual life. Parishioners and guest speakers will share their stories of faith, and invite us into deep reflection about our own Spiritual lives, and how spirituality grows and changes from childhood through old age. Sunday, February 23 and the following week you’ll have a chance to answer questions that will help us shape this series!

Doors open at 5:45p, dinner is served at 6:00p, and Formation for all ages begins at 6:30. Children's formation is offered upstairs for Pre-K through 5th grade. Nursery is open from 6:20-7:00 for children through 4 years of age. Dinner is provided by Market at Main Catering and by you! Sign up to bring a side, dessert, or serve the meal. A freewill offering will be taken to offset costs.

Children: We look forward to celebrating the season of Lent with our St. John’s children.  An all-time favorite book, Old Bear by Kevin Henkes will lead our journey through age, spirituality, and the rebirth of spring. Get ready to be creative and have some fun!

Our program outline for adults is below:

March 12 - Introduction: How does Spirituality affect our Brains? with Fr. Ben Cowgill
March 19 - Childhood and Youth - with guest speaker Canon Pattie Ames
March 26 - Adulthood - Join us and a panel of your peers as we explore what questions we ask from our twenties into our sixties!
April 2 - Aging - with guest speaker The Rev. William Deal (Chaplain at Westminster Canterbury)
April 9 - Conclusion

Help us make this program special— will you fill out this brief 3 question survey about your faith?


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February 2025 Tidings