Stock up the Miller Home for Girls

Hello St. John’s Church! For a few years now, in February, our church has partnered with The Miller Home to stock their freezer. They currently have a need to fill their freezer again with meals that the girls can eat. This can include casseroles, pasta dishes, frozen pizza, chicken breasts, burgers, bagels, sausage/bacon, french fries, etc.

They also have asked for additional help this year filling their pantry, hygiene closet and household items. Some of these additional items include mouthwash, toilet paper, lysol, shampoo, twin bed spreads, and pillows. They currently are serving 7 girls at their home. By providing this organization with food and household items this will not only help to feed the residents but save them money on their food/household budget.  

The Miller Home is a wonderful organization that houses girls that range in age from 4 to 21. These girls come to stay at the Miller Home when being in their own home is not possible. They are a non-institutional environment that strives to help these girls reach their highest potential. They do not take any state funding and are completely provided for by donations.  Please help care for these girls with a yummy meal and stock their home with necessary items. Please refer to the sign up genius where you can choose what food/household item you can donate for the girls at The Miller Home. Please place frozen food items directly in white freezer by kitchen. For pantry and household items please place those in the baskets located in the Fauber Gallery. Please deliver all items to the church by February 27th. Reach out to Alex Sayer at with any questions! Thank you so much for anything that you can provide to help these girls! 

If you would like to learn more about The Miller Home for Girls please check out their website at,


Lenten Bible Study: Adult Formation


Mardi Gras Party